Food is comfort :)...that is just the way it is. In our house, food comfort does not mean binging, but it does mean conjouring up certain foods to fit the occasion.
Today, it is a soup to even out the waves of disappointment. Nothing like a little kick to boost that confidence again. And it goes quick, for emergencies :).
You will need:
chopped onions (about a half of an onion, or more if you like)
Olive Oil
Seitenbacher Vegetable Broth (or something similar)
Fresh Ginger
Cheyenne Pepper
Fresh Parsley
In a soup pot, heat up a few tablespoons olive oil. Glaze onions. Add about 1 1/2 cups spelt. Fry until grain is browned (it may start popping a bit). Then add about 4-5 cups of water and simmer until grain is soft (this takes about 45 minutes). Remove about 1/2 cup of grains, and puree in a mixer. Add 3-4 tblsp of veggie broth to soup, and add pureed grains back in. Season with salt & cheyenne. Sprinkle with some fresh parsley....
Serve with love to the one who needs a little boost.
P.S. I cook via the “Simpler’s Method”, no recipes, and really, no measurements. Use your intuition, it will tell when to add more or less :).
P.P.S. Also added some Marjoran & Thyme, because when I went to the garden to get the Parsley, they told me that my special little someone needed their help. Be flexible :).
With love,