On August 1st, we will celebrate Lammas :).
Traditionally, if you live with the seasons, Lammas marks the "bringing in the of the first wheat harvest". It is also the time to think about preparing for the winter.
I obviously do not grow wheat, but today my son brought in a pretty big bounty from our little backyard garden.
Things are beginning to ripen. The tomatoes that I planted in a box and a bucket are doing much better than the tomatoes I planted in the earth in a bed. I believe it is because the earthen ones got the shivers when we had a cold spell. I get a tomato sporadically, but not the bountiful harvest I had planned on. Soon, I will be bursting with "Gypsy" tomatoes! We are beginning to get new cucumbers every day. I planted Armenian, Long, Regular, and Lemon cucs. The Lemon cucs are nowhere to be found, but the others are coming along nicely. Lots of tomatillos growing, that will make some fabulous green salsa.
I have RHUBARB!!! Even the huckleberries are coming along nicely, getting purple. Next year, I will plant more.
What is not working: Strawberries and chili peppers planted in Topsy Turvys. Sage..:(...
In a few days we will make Lammas bread to eat with our harvested veggies and celebrate our Lammas Feast. The recipe I have is old, long, and typewritten in a book. I found on online for you to enjoy :). I will post mine when I have a bit of time to copy it in....
Two of my favorite books for rituals and recipes to do with kids are:
Wheel of the Year, Living the Magical Life
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