My kids are both at camp, my husband works during the day, so I had free food range! No one to tell me "Ew, that looks gross!", or "Geesh, do we always have to eat healthy?", or "Does that have spirulina in it????".
Here is my combo du jour, made in the crock pot on the porch, since it is 104 outside, and my AC is pumping.
2 garlic cloves, I threw them in whole
1 can coconut milk, and a 1/2 can water that you swizzle to get the rest of the milk
Jalapenos. However many jalapenos you think you need to spice it up, chopped
Brown sugar, a good handful!
Coarse sea salt
Butter, about 5 large chunks :)......
Serve over rice, sprinkled with parsley and ground pepper.
This sounds really delicious. Except for the jalepenos, which will cause me to fall on the floor screaming.