This afternoon we began another round of clearing out, and in between I decided to try a new recipe for Rye bread.
I will have to tell you tomorrow if I like it, it always tastes better the next day.
Thanks to the recommendation of my beautiful friend Ayla of Chrysalis Woman (http://www.motherlodeholistic.com/chrysaliswoman.html), I also started some Mugwort vinegar. I did not fill the glass completely, my sweet Mugwort is pretty strong and I did not want it to overwhelm with its' strong taste :). I only had a few small sprouts right now anyways. Will be drying the rest to burn.

Vinegars are a wonderful way to infuse your favorite herbs for use in salads, over beans, etc, etc. Just pack a clean Mason jar to the top with herbs. Slightly warm raw apple cider vinegar (don't use cheap apple vinegar, the raw one with the mother is best. :)...), cover herbs, and cap. Make sure to shake the jar a little every day (give it some good magic!) for at least two weeks. Strain, and enjoy!